It doesn’t end here…

I have been in a bit of a fog since the Fortress of Solitude has closed thus disrupting my life.  I guess that when you go to work in the same place for over half of your adult life and then suddenly you must change this is to be expected.  I so want to feel sorry for myself as I try to figure out what the next path will bring.  This is close to impossible for me as I put things into perspective.  I’m not talking about the vast insanity in the world I live.  That always goes without saying.  In fact the world is Perfect in its imperfection.  It is Exactly the way it is supposed to be at this time.  I mean human trials on a closer, more personal plane.  Sudden Infant Crib Death…Stage 4 Cancer…Unexpected Youth Death…Addictions…and other matters that certainly take away the gravity of the Fortress closure and slams it into virtual non-existence.  My life has been and continues to be Wonderfully Charmed…Blessed…and Magically Delicious.  God takes Extremely good care of me and I sometimes wonder why ??  I am certainly flawed in Many ways and the kindness shown me in life is baffling but happily accepted.  I have come to know through the years that Everything will be fine.  The closing of my Studio is just another of many

opportunities to expand…grow and discover newer and better ways to create and gain knowledge.  The Best of Me is Yet to Come! This is only the Beginning!!  Imagine THAT!!!



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